About Sponsor A Child New Contribution Price
Greetings! Since 1989 when WorldHarvest USA started its operations, we have been able to send thousands of children in Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal, and parts of East & West Africa to school through our Sponsor-A-Child Program for only $30 per month. Even in the midst of the pandemic, we have continued to serve these children and ensure that they receive the best possible education along with medical and nutritional services.
As the economic impact of the pandemic continues, it has been remarkably difficult for us to maintain the same level of services. After careful consideration, we have decided to increase our contribution level to $36 per month starting in January 2022. You can review your current contribution details by visiting Your Account on our website at www.worldharvest.cc. As always, if you have questions, please contact Rosdiana at rsusanto@worldharvest.cc.
WorldHarvest USA is committed to providing the same opportunities to children around the world as we have done for the past 32 years. Your contribution is more than just a donation; it’s a tangible investment in the future generation.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Warmest Regards,